Station reports:
2020 Report
2013 Report
2012 Report
2011 Report
2010 Report
2008 Report
2002 Report
2001 Report
2000 Report
Growth chamber facilities at the University of Maryland include 25 eight square foot (21 from Conviron and four from EGC) and 10 thirty-six square foot chambers (9 from Conviron and 1 from EGC). The large chambers all have 8,000 W of all Metal Halide HID lighting. The four small chambers have 2,400 W of Metal Halide lamps. The other small chambers have standard fluorescent/incandescent lighting (1,200W of Cool White VHO and 400 W of Incandescent). All chambers are programmable units with temperature, humidity and light control. All chambers are glycol cooled, have top-to-bottom air flow and separate control of lamp loft temperatures. Lamps are separated from the growing region by Plexiglas barriers. The facility is designed so that 10 of the small chambers are located in a separate light-tight room to facilitate dark transfers of material between different light conditions. All of the chambers are networked to a central server and this is accessible by remote terminals located in each of the three departments using the facility. The terminals are able to both monitor and control individual groups of chambers by ethernet connection to the server, which is linked to the individual microprocessors on each chamber.
Contact Information:
Name: Shaun Faulkner
Address: Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
2102 Plant Sciences Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-4452
Phone: 301-405-6913