NCR-101 Activities


In addition to its regular meetings, the NCR-101 committee has developed activities to provide information to aid all controlled environment researchers. Some of these activities are highlighted below.


Measurement and Reporting Guidelines


International Controlled Environment guidelines provide recommendations on what should be measured, units to utilize, where to measure, when to measure, and what to report in research articles.  Interaction with controlled environment groups in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand led to the development of internationally accepted guidelines for conducting growth chamber and greenhouse research as well as tissue culture research.


Growth Chamber Manuals


An earlier effort of members of the committee was directed toward helping new growth chamber users grow plants effectively. The group published the Plant Growth Chamber Manual, Langhans & Tibbitts, (1997), with chapters on Light, Temperature, Humidity, Carbon Dioxide, Air Movement, Air Contaminants, Physiological Disorders, Pests & Diseases, Plant Culture in Solid Media & Hydroponics, Experimental Design, Chamber Specifications, Special Use Chambers, Measurement & Reporting Guidelines, and Crop Growth Requirements. The 1997 publication can no longer be ordered, but is available in PDF format on this web site. [View PDF files]